The movement for reclaiming the Rāma Janmabhūmī site over the past three centuries can be regarded as the standard bearing struggle in the Hindus’ bid at civilisational reassertion by regaining control of their sacred sites in their homeland, which had been destroyed by invading barbarians and inimical ideologies during the past millennium.Continue Reading

In almost perennial rainy weather, with heavy bar fetters and shackles, with bare clothing and barely fed, in deep primeval forests, surrounded by snakes, leeches and scorpions, the freedom fighters were coerced to grinding labour, clearing land for roads through the marshy land. They were whipped mercilessly and faced still more hard labour if they slowed down. Many died of disease and starvation, while many others were executed or committed suicide.Continue Reading

This unrelenting invasive mode to eradicate native traditions and religious beliefs, disrupting the cultural complex which holds communities and a civilisation together, is an observable trait of Abrahamic doctrinal religions and ideologies like communism, which cannot exist except to the exclusion of others. Imposing their ideological framework and worldview is part of this insidious aggression, which tries to control the way we think and conduct our matters and ultimately obliterate our identity. The intense activism to push for admission of women to the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple is carried out by such forces who have no good intention in heart.Continue Reading

“I hold this slow and daily tampering with the mysteries of the brain to be immeasurably worse than any torture of the body; and because its ghastly signs and tokens are not so palpable to the eye … and it extorts few cries that human ears can hear; therefore I the more denounce it, as a secret punishment in which slumbering humanity is not roused up to stay.” He called the system “rigid, strict and hopeless solitary confinement, and I believe it, in its effects, to be cruel and wrong,”Continue Reading