The Jallianwala Bagh Mercenaries and The Basis of Indian Nationhood
“India without Hinduism is nothing. A land mass, where invaders come and go.”
~ Ranjit Kumar DashContinue Reading
‘Terror Behind The Walls’ – The Penal Colonies (Part III)
The inhuman conditions, the excruciating daily grind, the soul-destroying sadism of its keepers was devised calculatedly to snuff out the will to live in the prisoners, leave alone continue a political struggle.Continue Reading
‘Haldighati’ The Thermopylae Of Rajasthan – III
The Battle of Haldighati can be seen as the precursor to the use of guerrilla tactics which was perfected into a most potent and efficacious form of warfare in later centuries by Maharaj Shivaji of the Marathas and his own descendent, Maharana Raj Singh I, against Aurangzeb.Continue Reading
‘Haldighati’ The Thermopylae Of Rajasthan – II
The talks floundered due to Akbar’s obstinacy on getting Pratap to agree to two conditions that were anathema to that proud bearer of an ancient lineage: to appear personally in the imperial court to pay homage and to accept the proposal of a marital alliance with the Mughals. The Rana wanted to merely retain his right to an independent and dignified existence.Continue Reading
The Problem in Restoration of the Kāśī Viśwanātha Temple by Marathas
Why was the Gyānvāpī mosque never destroyed by Marathas even though it was built by Aurangzeb after destroying the older Kāśī Viśwanātha temple?Continue Reading
The Question of Women in Combat
Women’s quest should not be to envy and emulate manliness, make men feel guilty about it and try to destroy it, but to cherish it and positively reinforce it. Modern concepts of emasculated men and masculinised women lead to loss of polarity and attraction. It is a dreadful compromise of both genders.Continue Reading
‘Haldighati’: The Thermopylae Of Rajasthan – I
Should the Rana have trudged the path of a lonely and seemingly impossible particularist struggle, staking the lives of his men and meagre resources, and like them have his possessions reduced to naught? Was he merely a stubborn impediment to a magnanimous Emperor’s vision of a united country, motivated by false pride…?Continue Reading
Remembering Savarkar
Savarkar and Hindutva: How this most ennobling and elevating articulation of the self-concept of a people came to be regarded as pernicious to the nation it was meant to serve.Continue Reading
Common Thread Between Maharashtra and Bengal – The Spirit of Nationalism
“Hindudom is an Organic National Being. If a Hindu gets ill-treated as a Hindu in any part of the world, it constitutes an insult to Hindudom as a whole and must be challenged by Hindus on any front convenient to them.”
~ Vinayak Damodar SavarkarContinue Reading
Declaration of Ceasefire in Kashmir During Ramzan and India’s Official Policy of Wilful Abdication of Sense
It is nothing but lunacy to try and win over Kashmiri Muslims (Muslims anywhere) given the prescribed practice of their faith. The lot the Union Home Ministry refers to as the “peace-loving people of Kashmir”, are a hostile, subversive, Islamised population barely kept in check by the terribly constrained security forces of India, the ones that are handicapped with concerns of Indian government’s misplaced humanity which facilitates terrorists with such utterly foolhardy gestures of magnanimity.Continue Reading